Этот раздел создан
для того, чтобы помочь Вам решить проблемы, возникающие при использовании SDK.
Читайте SDK Release Notes
чтобы узнать информацию о текущем релизе СДК.
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При обращении за помощью
на форум полезно указать:
Это, конечно, не обязательно, но часто ОЧЕНЬ помогает.
Сведения о конфигурации
находяться в файле gamecfg.ini. Если у Вас возникли проблемы с конвигом
СДК, воспользуйтесь приведенными ниже инструкциями.
Если Вы НЕ имеете модов созданных с помощью мастера
"Create A Mod":
Закройте SDK Steam
Удалите свой gamecfg.ini из папки "../SteamApps/<username>/sourcesdk/bin" .
Перезапустите the SDK Steam
Если Вы имеете мод
созданный с помощью мастера "Create A Mod":
Обратите внимание:
Этот шаг необходим, только если Вы желаете сохранить конфигурации игры для мода, который Вы создали.
1. Закройте SDK Steam application.
2. Откройте gamecfg.ini из папки "../SteamApps/<username>/sourcesdk/bin" .
Прочитайте номер блока конфигурации INI файла. Блок конфигурации начинается
с"[GameConfigX]" где "X"
это номер.
4. Сверху у gamecfg.ini, есть номер "NumConfigs". Set this number to the number of
configurations counted in the file.
Note: If you do NOT have a
"[GameConfig0]" token in your gamecfg.ini, add one to the number in this
step. Failure to do so will result in one game configuration
being absent from the list.
Сохраните файл и перезапустите SDK Steam application.
Some users are experiencing a problem where they are unable to select a
game configuration in Hammer or from the SDK launcher application because there
are no entries to choose from. To correct this problem follow the
procedure to reset the Source SDK Game Configuration.
If all else fails, it may be necessary to re-install the SDK. However,
doing so will also remove any maps,
models, or other content you may have created. It is advisable
that you make a copy of your entire "..\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk" directory
before following this procedure. After you've reinstalled the
SDK, you can restore your content into the proper directories from this backup.
Note: Your gamecfg.ini file will be lost in
this process, meaning any game configurations for MODs
you have created will be lost as well. If you wish to retain these
configurations, please backup the gamecfg.ini and follow the
instructions in the "Problem: My
game configurations menu In Hammer and the SDK application is empty"
section of this document.
Shutdown Steam by
choosing Exit from
the Steam task bar icon menu.
Delete the "..\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk" directory, where the SDK resides.
Delete the sourcesdk.gcf file from the "SteamApps" directory
Restart Steam and
launch the SDK application.
Steam will automatically re-install all the necessary files.
First, you should use the resources listed in the Where can I go for more help? section.
If you still cannot solve your issue, you may wish to try re-installing
the Source SDK, as described here.
If you have created a MOD from the "Create a Mod" wizard, and
would like to remove it from your game configurations menu:
1. Load the Hammer Editor from the Source SDK Launcher.
2. Choose Options
from the Tools menu.
3. Switch to the Game Configurations
4. Click the Edit
button next to the Configuration:
drop down list.
5. For each configuration you wish to remove, select the configuration, then click the Remove
6. Press OK to
confirm your choices, and OK
in the Options dialog.
7. Close both Hammer and the Source SDK Launcher.
8. Restart the Source SDK Launcher, and those configurations will be gone
from the drop-down list.
This error occurs when certain game cache files have encountered an
internal problem (usually after a crash while running a game).
To repair the cache file:
Shutdown Steam by
choosing Exit from
the Steam task bar icon menu.
Restart Steam.
Run Half-Life
If the problem is
not resolved, repeat these steps running Counter-Strike: Source.
Running these applications causes them to validate and repair any cache
problems they may have.
If the Hammer Configuration is not working correctly, you can first try
to reset the Source SDK Game Configuration.
If you are still unsuccessful, you can also reinstall the Source SDK.
The Hammer Editor should automatically be set up to edit levels for the
Source Engine games you have installed.
For information on manually configuring the Hammer game configuration,
refer to the Hammer Manual Configuration.
For a level to appear in the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
map list, it must have an info_player_deathmatch in it.
The info_player_deathmatch entity creates a
player spawn point for multiplayer games. When a player spawns in a level
(either because he is just entering the level, or he has just died and is respawning) his location will be picked randomly from all
of the available info_player_deathmatch spawn points.
Its a good idea to
include a large number of these spawn points to prevent predictable spawning.
Select Options from the Tools menu. Click
on the General tab.
Under Window Setup
where it says Use independent window
configurations, make sure there is not a check next to that option, then close and restart
For information on this, please refer to the tutorial entitled Leaks Explained.
The SDK is set up to be compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 v7.1.
It is recommended that you upgrade to Visual C++ .NET 2003 v7.1 to build
the SDK projects. However, there is a tool to convert the VC++ v7.x
solution and project files to VC++ v6.x projects and workspaces. It can be
found at http://www.codeproject.com/tools/prjconverter.asp.
You must
install the Service Pack 5 update and Processor Pack update to properly compile
the files:
The most common cause for this error is having spaces in the MOD's game directory (i.e. c:\My Mod\). This problem will
be resolved in a future update. Until then, it is recommended you alter your
directories to exclude this formatting.
A known bug causes the "Create a Mod" wizard to set up Hammer
to load base.fgd instead of halflife2.fgd. This issue will be
resolved in a future SDK update.
To work around this problem:
1. In Hammer, choose Options
under the Tools menu.
2. Select your mod's configuration in the Configurations combo box.
3. Click the Remove
button next to the Game Data Files
list. This will remove the unwanted base.fgd file.
4. Click the Add
button next to the Game Data Files
list and choose halflife2.fgd.
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All rights reserved. Valve, the Valve logo, Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, the
Lambda logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Team Fortress, the Team Fortress logo,
Opposing Force, Day of Defeat, the Day of Defeat logo, Counter-Strike, the
Counter-Strike logo, Source, the Source logo, Hammer and Counter-Strike:
Condition Zero are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve
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registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other
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